Aww dude this is TEST not a PROJECT
Aww dude this is TEST not a PROJECT
Im sorry but i just felt i should put it, i guess i think i should remove it
Not bad at all just.
I respect that you made 45 kill count!
But yeah it was not that good walking was normal, stabbings aren`t good and plus you could make your own weapons.
And falling`s aren`t that good needs more physics there are some bugs too.
ok dude
First of all that had size of the long test or part.
Improve walking or animate faster movements make better shootings pistol recoil was crap!
And it is tweened?
The Begginers wrote comments Below me! So...
And fallings were really bad, There were no physics and some of them are falling 4,5 secs later.
If you do like that just make them to turn back and then fall in front!
First of all i think No One care Of Details
And Mr 1 TestLegs are Talking about my legs ? nub >:(
And Below Just say His Opinion About The Idea.
For you, The Only thing Important in Madness is Animating Good ?
You're an FAIL ANIMATOR :3
First of all the ending was horrible.
Waking has no smoothness but if somebody can animate smooth they don`t look at feet movement`s much, but Body movements were hell.
Shootings were the same nothing much.
You could find something better than that music.
You just made silly kills nothing much but people are good but they can`t do that that`s why i give it 1.
Plus fallings had no physics and that was really bad.
It was useless!
1. rushed ending
2. that was at the begining before i did a whole bunch of things to improve my animating.
3. Planing to fix that shooting problem by closely observing the shooting movements of krinkels animations.
4. The music seemed good at the time.
5. some were propper, others i was lazy.
6, If you were talking about Kage, he has control over time.
7. Falling physics, Trying to get that fixed.
8. "it was useless" Trust me if i didn't put some effort into this it would of been instanly Blammed.
Okay this was not that bad at all but try to not just not make everything just in Movie Clips you should try to animate them in better ways do some skew and more movements.
Try to improve V-cam movements and do more moves during the fights It`s DBZ at all.
And try to do Preloader and Replay buttom next time.
I give this 4 but this does not deserves it.
Good luck better time:)
Thank you for your rating! I will take your comment into consideration. Is there any possible animation that you have created or that someone else has created where I can see these improvements you have mentioned? I will definitely add more action, preloader, and some buttons in my next video :)
It is funny just calls everyone noobies.
And did someone killed him after second change?
Ok and animation was really smoothly done voice acting was pretty cool.
But why you didn`t added gun sounds when they were shooting?
But that is nothing animation was great.
Give it 5/5
thanks mayne
also i just kept the voicing for the sounds, thought it'd be better
Great video and very well done.
Make more you really don`t need special day to make animations you have fans and you must make animations every time.
Thanks, man! It's usually hard for me to stay motivated on a project if I don't have a definitive due date, which is where the holidays come in handy.
For example, I have about 7 animations started at the moment.
It is full noobish i`v seen worse but this is one of the worse animations ever!!!
firat fucking improve and then make projects useless and why you called mafia i don`t understand it must have story if you make mafia.
If you think it's noobish i don't blame you, however i just been looking at your page, you're to lazy to put your own works. Unlike you I Don't comment on how bad it is, i instead try to give ideas on how they could improve, an the "agents" in Krinkels Madness Combat series are The Mafia in this series
I like your sister.
Age 26, Male
Bad graphics
Joined on 2/15/11